Book 11: A Certain Pastor became Demon Possessed
Mom said, “Yolin, let us each pray separately for confirmation about matters.”
While in earnest prayer, I was looking into the Spirit realm, when I saw a five-pointed star within a circle. The huge head of a goat (Baphomet) hovered above the blackness of it all.
Immediately, I rushed to the bathroom as my entire inner me turmoiled and rumbled. I became terribly sick and called out to mom who rushed to me. I told her that I was standing waist deep in boiling, hot, bubbling lava.
At once, she anointed me; it appeared that my legs were completely shredded and were worse than just wobbly.
Together, we fell before the Holy Lord Jesus in sincere repentance, renouncing any and all involvement in the unknown. During earnest prayer, mom told me to rest, as my entire being became nauseous and bilious until I almost collapsed.
That night, we retired early; mom had dozed off when I yelled out to her, “There is a terrible, overwhelming, rotten stench filling the entire house!” The smell alone had paralyzed me so that I became spellbound and so she could not wake up.
Great overwhelming odours swept like a bat out of hell, which appeared so true that it seemed as if Hell itself had opened up all portals into the house. Strength entered mom as she broke out of its grip, in persistent rebuking until the Blood of Jesus, mixed with destroying Fire and Electricity of the True Holy Spirit, responded.
Each Spirit Revelation concerning demon-demon caused both mom and me to be very, very sick for many, many, many days.
[Job 5: 8] “As for me, I would seek God, and inquire of, and require Him, and to God would I commit my cause”, was her entire prayer.
One morning, I was shown that a certain person had accused his brother of owing him a sum of money to which the poor man had no knowledge of.
While I shared this Spirit dream with mom, awe Divinity manifested as though a dark matter had been uncovered and its grip was released in slow motion from us.
To God be all the Glory; we were soaring.
I continued seeking the Holy Lord for further revelations and confirmations when He allowed me to witness a very dark event as I was on my way home from a local school. The entire area was inundated and inhabited with Satan’s best. Each house belonged either to an occultist, witch, warlock, soothsayer, satanist, devil worshiper, palm reader, witchdoctor etc. etc. Hell itself had inhabited the entire region.
I opened my eyes, very sick.
That Saturday, the hordes of Hell were marching, responding to the funeral of the person who had been used by the king of Hell during the year of my matric. (I refer to Book 7 pages 6 and 7).
To the grieving neighbourhood, it was a sad day, but to mom and me the spirit realm was overwhelmingly intense, dark and evil. “Yes,” she admitted, “this confirms that Satan’s best inundated even our neighbourhood.”
The morning of the 8th February 2015, the Lord revealed to me in a Spirit dream that my mother approached me and told me that a certain pastor had somehow gotten into devil worshipping and was an occultist.
While she was in prayer that night, I earnestly called to her, “Baphomet is hovering over me! I am exceedingly sick!”
“So that is it!” she gasped, “This devil worshiper has dedicated Believers to his god. No wonder the warfare grew beyond intense.” She was disgusted and terribly sick. Immediately, she rebuked and renounced all wicked and sly intentions that had manoeuvred unnoticed and unhindered.
She had a dream in which the Holy Lord Jesus told her that the wicked pastor had used the Lord’s Word for all his sly practices.
Oh Believer, whoever and wherever you are, this is happening the world over.
This certain pastor became demon possessed and had dedicated demons to innocent Believers. Oh please, please, this is a wakeup call!!!
In different Spirit visions, I was actually permitted to see Baphomet.
Reader, please google Prophet Elvi Zapata’s video “DEMON ATTACKS, DEMON POSSESSED PASTOR AND RAPTUE PREPARATION”. Also download “GOD’S JUDGMENT, RAPTURE AND GREAT TRIBULATION! TIME TO REPENT!” by Larry Demers. This is extremely important and urgent!!!
One night while in prayer, a Spirit vision loomed before me concerning this certain pastor. I looked into the Spirit realm and when I saw him, my spirit understood how lustful perversion entered into him. He had actually opened so many, many doors that just by observing what was happening caused me to almost have a blackout.
I called to my mother to please, please help me; without knowing what actually took place in both realms, she prayed and anointed me. Seeing his overwhelming, unrepented abominations and open doors, my sleep actually left me. I awoke terribly sick; after discussing it with my mom, we persevered in fervent prayer.
One night while watching the “8 hours in Hell” video, I asked the Lord, “Jesus, this pastor died; show me where he is now?” Immediately, an overwhelming stench of the most disgusting, rotten, burning, decayed flesh filled my nostrils. Days later, when I related this to mom the same nauseating, sickening, outrageous stench of burning, dirty, rotten, decayed flesh filled my nostrils. I was sick that day.