PDF: Spiritual Warfare – Revelations of a New Age Deception by Philippe Besnard


Spiritual Warfare – Revelations of a New Age Deception

by Philippe Besnard

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1- Introduction
[A]nd ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you
free. John 8:32
This is the story of my spiritual journey. I have been engaged
in a spiritual warfare, not even knowing that I was fighting a
battle with an invisible enemy. So many layers I have peeled
away to remove the fantasies and the delusions of my heart! I
have stumbled and fell often, many times hitting rock bottom
in despair, only feeling the loving kindness and mercy of
God picking me up.
I want to share my story with you, not as an absolute truth,
but as a personal account of what I have learned in my
adventures. I know we learn best from telling each other our
witness. In the early stage of my spiritual quest as a young
man, I often prayed to God: “I beg you, Lord, to reveal to me
the truth of this world”. Because of our limited expectations,
we often don’t realize God answers our prayers and I didn’t
realize during all these years, He had granted me my request.
I didn’t know His plan for me was to actually experience “the
truth of this world”, because for the next thirty years I was
deeply lost, involved in the false doctrines of the New Age.
For me to know the truth, I first had to live the fake, and this
book is the outcome of my exploration. The relentless
searching and dedicated spiritual practises to which I have
submitted myself, led me, a few years ago, to experience
intense Kundalini episodes. Yes, I reached what many think
is the ultimate “peak experience”, the mystical height of
meditation, the spiritual Nirvana, the enlightenment of
“oneness with all that is” and learned the shocking truth
that is carefully hidden behind the facade of such glamorous
The traps and snares of the “spiritual path” are many, but
through God’s blessing, I discovered a great deception, one
whose roots go all the way to the beginning of creation. Call
unto me, and I will answer thee, and will show thee great
things, and difficult, which thou knowest not. Jeremiah
The motivation for such personal sharing is not selfglorification
but comes from a true longing to partake with
you the love, the truth, and the tender care I have received
from God. I have been learning to walk with God in intimate
communion, taking baby steps and humbling myself to the
realization that, without God, I am nothing. “Without me ye
can do nothing” (John 15:5)
As a result of being hopelessly deceived by the New-Age
teachings and continually praying God for help, I
experienced a renaissance. I found the narrow path that
leads to the mountain top and became re-born Christian, not
in any of the church denominations but simply, purely, a
disciple of Christ. The “Christ-consciousness” of the New Age
is the gospel of “another Jesus” and like many other
distorted truths is, in fact, anti-Christ.
Some of the information presented here may prompt you to
be critical, sarcastic, or doubtful, but I urge you to withhold
your judgment until you read this short booklet to the end.
Keeping an open-minded attitude may take you out of a lot
of trouble, bring you great blessings, and, may I dare say,
save your soul. The end times are upon us right now, time is
running out and ignorance is no longer bliss. Ignorance has
become fatal. And Jesus answered and said unto them, Take
heed that no man lead you astray. For many shall come my
name, saying, I am the Christ; and shall lead many astray.
Matthew 24:4,5