Susan Davis: “How to Save Your Family from Ruin and Destruction”


” How to Save Your Family from Ruin and Destruction “
Your children may be kind, polite, well-behaved. They may shun the wrong crowd, respect their elders and be morally upright. But if they’re not wholehearted in their love for Jesus — if they’re just drifting along spiritually — they’re in danger. You see, any child who’s raised in a believing home is already a prime target of Satan. The devil goes after those families who are most fervent in their love for Jesus. But now your child’s lukewarmness has made the enemy’s job easier. He’ll delight over how easy it is to snare your son or daughter into sinful bondage.”
“Even the most devoted Christians — including ministers — can be blind to the trap Satan has laid for their spiritually passive children. The enemy is constantly looking to snuff out even the small spark of spiritual life that’s in them. I urge you, Christian parent: don’t let the devil get to your child. Get on your face daily, and surround your young one with intercession. God has given you the power to shake them out of their lukewarm state.”
BY; David Wilkerson”