Book 8 – Salted with Fire

Together, we fasted for the month of February, during which we fought a 24 hour warfare. She had requested that Father’s Fire be placed into her mouth and into her heart.

Once again, we fought a losing battle. I was constantly under heavy demonic attacks especially during the wee hours. Every morning, I awoke sick, my spirit-body torn to bits, affected my physical body so that I felt rotten.

One day, as I looked out through the window, my eyes were plucked out in the spirit realm. Mom had to constantly anoint my eyes until one night of the fifth week, I told her that the Holy Spirit had opened my spirit ears.

Immediately, I understood the demonic growling coming from behind our fridge. The demon was calling my name, “Yolin…” Goggle-eyed, I flew to her as she was busy in her room.

Twice we had listened to an mp3 audio file called “Delivered from the Powers of Darkness” by Emmanuel Eni. On each occasion, there was a very bad smell in our room.

As mom rebuked, I looked and saw ugly evil forms everywhere. During these two occasions, demonic forces attacked while she slept. As she pleaded the Blood Covering in her mind, it fled behind the fridge and once again the growling would begin.

In that instant, she sat up, not realizing that it was six o’clock in the morning. As the anointing rained over her, she requested that the Father place Fire in her mouth. With her hand shaped into a trumpet, she blew gently toward the growling. At first the growling grew louder, but it soon faded away.

The following night, while worshiping with one of Benny Hinn’s DVDs, the growling started up again. Later that night, we discussed that this demon must have been sent by the Secret Society who had fled out of Nigeria and had based itself in South Africa.

We knew that the Secret Society had monitored all our conversations. Upon the secret being uncovered, we noticed that the growling stopped almost immediately. “So this is it? What next?”

One night, the growling behind our fridge became so intense that mom was rebuking, “Demon, I suffocate you in the Blood of the Lamb… Demon I drown you in the Blood of the Lamb…” The thing fled and never returned that night.

The following night, it returned, so I thought, but this time when she used the same method, nothing happened. “Why???” I replied, “A stronger demon?” It is the sixth week and still no amount of rebuking made any difference. I remained under heavy demonic attacks.

I was taken into a morning vision and saw that the Believers of Christ End-Time Ministries walked through the wilderness. The place appeared beyond arid. The Remnant was very heavily loaded. With rucksacks on their backs, they could just about stand up. The Believers were moving forward at a snail’s pace.

[Matthew 4] “Then Jesus was led by the Holy Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted (tested and tried) by the devil…” 

One early morning, as mom was deep in prayer, waiting, just waiting for Jesus, when suddenly He spoke, “The Wilderness – teach My children survival skills.” 

Write down, “The wilderness has such dense darkness. To survive, eat and drink ONLY ME. [Deuteronomy 8:3] And He humbled you and allowed you to hunger, and fed you with Manna (which Jesus is the True Manna – EAT ONLY ME) which you did not know nor did your fathers know, that He might make you recognize and personally know that man does not live by bread only, but man lives by every Word that proceeds out of the MOUTH of the LORD. (Out of the LORD’S MOUTH eat only out of MY MOUTH). 

Keep My Commandments while you are going through the wilderness. FOCUS ONLY ON ME. 

You will be thoroughly tested, tempted and tried. You will be exceedingly challenged by the spirits dwelling in the wilderness. Always ask Me the absolute Truth about the situation you face. 

Satan will attack you with everything he has. Spiritual pride hides behind My Word. Satan uses these wilderness spirits to deceive your hearing, your vision. The deception is so great.” 

“You ask Me the secret – Matthew 4:11 ‘Then the devil departed from Him, and behold, angels came and ministered to Him.’ 

I overcame Satan – the spirits of the wilderness. I remained in My Father’s Word – accepted His Truth – kept My Garment – was not found naked – lived the Word – breathed the Word. 

My very essence soaked in the Word. All requirements were met and justified. My Father sent angels to minister to Me. They actually worshipped Me. I was revealed as God in Spirit as well as God in flesh. 

I was led by the Holy Spirit into the wilderness to take away the Wilderness Keys from Satan. Father’s Kingdom opened to Me as angels worshipped me. I then stepped out of the wilderness with full Authority over the Wilderness. This great Movement caused My Father and all Heaven to rejoice. 

Now I possess the Keys of the Wilderness. I possess all Authority over the Wilderness. Only My Warrior Bride will know and accept My Word I am revealing to you. Only they have been given Spirit understanding. 

My Spirit is not the cause of spiritual pride – spiritual adultery – spiritual idolatry. My call upon you is much heavier and deeper. 

Why do you set standards amongst the different gifts I operate through? I use you not to cause your gifts to put others lesser than yourself. Minister in a humble spirit. Point everyone only to Me. Many will not acknowledge My Word given to you.”

“My child you are heavy loaded in the wilderness both in Spirit and in flesh. Be cleansed – be purified – be sanctified in the wilderness.

This process my Warrior Bride must pass through. Only I can take you out of the wilderness. I will triple refine you. You will walk through the wilderness until you are ready to face what I am preparing you for. The wilderness is dark but what you will face is even darker.”

[Mark 9:49] “For everyone shall be Salted with Fire.