Prayer Against Lack of Purpose and Goals in a Child


Prayer Against Lack of Purpose and Goals in a Child


Thank You יהוה Heavenly Father, that Thine eyes did see the substance of ________, yet being imperfect; and in Thy book were all his members written…(Psalm 139:16).

I rejoice in Your good and satisfying plan for _______’s future.

At the present moment, the sense of direction and life purpose for _______ seems hidden from him/her.

In the name of יהְוֹשֻׁעַ the Messiah, I resist all efforts of darkness to obscure and misdirect _______’s life into a purposeless future.

I ask for You to sovereignly direct and reveal to him/her Your appointed plan for his/her life.

Grant to _______ the wisdom to discern that plan and to enter into total obedience to Your will.

In יהְוֹשֻׁעַ ‘s Name I pray, Omain.


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