Spiritual Warfare & the Purple Robe

On the 6th November 2006, Yolin had a personal encounter with Jesus Christ who covenanted to teach her personally through Spirit communication, revealing many things to her.

In one of her Spirit visions, Yolin is taken to Hell by Jesus, where she sees nightmarish scenes of indescribable horrors. Hell is a place of immeasurable size where huge, ugly, angry balls of flames burn continuously and from which there is absolutely no hope of escape.

God’s Great Message is of man’s deliverance from sin and damnation

Spiritual Warfare & The Purple Robe - Book 1

Spiritual Warfare & The Purple Robe - Book 1 Download


On 6th November 2006, Yolin had a personal encounter with Jesus Christ who covenanted to teach her personally through Spirit communication, revealing many things to her.

In one of her Spirit visions, Yolin is taken to Hell by Jesus, where she sees nightmarish scenes of indescribable horrors. Hell is a place of immeasurable size where huge, ugly, angry balls of flames burn continuously and from which there is absolutely no hope of escape. Read More...

Spiritual Warfare & The Purple Robe - Book 2

Spiritual Warfare & The Purple Robe - Book 2 Download


The Lord Jesus Christ discloses the Heavenly alphabet to Yolin. She attends the magnificent Heavenly School along with myriads of other scholars. The enormous School consisted of massive buildings with multiple levels of storeys, so high that their tops could not be seen. Here she is taught many things, such as the key pronunciations and speech pattern of the Heavenly alphabet and how to toil the soil with her bare hands. Read More...

Spiritual Warfare & The Purple Robe - Book 3

Spiritual Warfare & The Purple Robe - Book 3 Download


In a vision, Yolin is shown that Believers are the ones on earth to exercise authority over the devil. When Jesus arose from the dead He immediately took His Authority on earth and delegated it to His Church. He said that in My Name they shall cast out devils. [Mark 16:15–17]. Read More...

Spiritual Warfare & The Purple Robe - Book 4

Spiritual Warfare & The Purple Robe - Book 4 Download


In a vision, Yolin and her mother are with a multitude at the seashore and notice that the waters are filthy. Nobody heeds their warnings. Suddenly everyone is gripped by an extreme mindless terror as an enormous, great tidal wave of mind-boggling proportions suddenly emerges before them. In complete darkness and amidst the deafening noise of the crashing waves, they become hysterical and lose all control... Read More...

Spiritual Warfare & The Purple Robe - Book 5
Spiritual Warfare & The Purple Robe - Book 6

Spiritual Warfare & The Purple Robe - Book 6 Download


Yolin’s mom, Cindy, is approached by and helps a destitute Muslim couple who have been living on the streets for 3 years. One bitterly cold winter’s night they knock on her door and out of sympathy for their desperate need, she brings them in and begins to minister to them, leading each one into the sinner’s prayer, and giving them a Bible. ... Read More...

Spiritual Warfare & The Purple Robe - Book 7

Spiritual Warfare & The Purple Robe - Book 7 Download


In October 2012, in an open vision, Yolin sees one of the kings of Hell - an indescribable, hideous-looking thing. It follows them around the house, rattling every door and emanating a stinking, rotten smell. Rebuking has little effect until the Lord reveals a new weapon to them to deal with this obnoxious evil – the mixing of the Holy Fire with the Poisonous Thorns of the Holy Spirit! They sit worshipping the Great God Jehovah as the odious evil spirit fled... Read More...

Spiritual Warfare & The Purple Robe - Book 8

Spiritual Warfare & The Purple Robe - Book 8 Download


In a Spirit vision in January 2013, Yolin sees a great city before her and an enormous inferno; the moment of desperation had come - the End of all Ends had arrived. Jesus appears above the terrible inferno, standing on a cloud, His garment shining like the Sun, His hands outstretched to accept His chosen ones – those who were ‘Rapture Ready’. Suddenly, Yolin realises that she has been left behind; devastated, she knows that she has to face the inescapable consequences as the towering inferno sweeps over the entire city. Read More...

Spiritual Warfare & The Purple Robe - Book 9

Spiritual Warfare & The Purple Robe - Book 9 Download


In May 2014, in a Spirit vision of the night, Yolin is approached by Brother Elvi Zapata who had returned from being taken to Heaven to receive a message for her from the Father - “Jesus said, in order to be able to enter Heaven, one must be so Perfect!” Upon hearing this, she feels a profound and deep hurt, as it meant that the whole human race, including herself, is destined to go to Hell because nobody on Earth is perfect. However, only Jesus can perfect us - He is our Strength and Power and only He can make our ways perfect. Read More...

Spiritual Warfare & The Purple Robe - Book 10

Spiritual Warfare & The Purple Robe - Book 10 Download


In September 2014, in a Spirit vision, Yolin is shown that a most terrible breed of human had manifested on the Earth. These appear as normal human but in the spirit realm are seen as demons in human form. These abominations had appeared in their house masquerading up and down; the assignment of these human-demons was to torment the True Believers who had the Gift of Discernment, causing them unbearable anguish. Read More...

Spiritual Warfare & The Purple Robe - Book 11

Spiritual Warfare & The Purple Robe - Book 11 Download


On the night of the 24th January 2015, Yolin and her mom decide to watch an old video download of the Secret Society. While watching it they suddenly find themselves in the midst of raging intense warfare. Every abomination associated with the Secret Society, the Illuminati, the coven called skull and bones etc. had manifested into their place from the video. Read More...

Spiritual Warfare & The Purple Robe - Book 12

Spiritual Warfare & The Purple Robe - Book 12 Download


Believers around the world are disturbed by the claim from pastors in west Africa, that Jesus had appeared to them, and in wrath warned women that wearing pants will send them to Hell! Can these messages be trusted? How do we know that these pastors are true Prophets of the Lord Jesus? Yolin and her mom seek confirmation about this thorn in their side. Read More...

Spiritual Warfare & The Purple Robe - Book 13

Spiritual Warfare & The Purple Robe - Book 13 Download


In a Spirit dream, Yolin sees that both her and her mom have been raptured. However, they understood that the Holy Lord had sent them back to help those who had missed the rapture and were left behind. The first thing they see back on earth was that there were more demons than human beings.The only humans were the ones who were actually working with demons and demon spirits which took on the appearance of humans. Read More...

Spiritual Warfare & The Purple Robe - Book 14

Spiritual Warfare & The Purple Robe - Book 14 Download


Utterly exhausted by the constant warfare, Yolin and her mom ponder how dark forces are able to violently assault them especially in their sleep, leaving them all swollen and bruised on awakening. Yolin is hassled and intimidated by 2 evil personalities who had suddenly appeared uninvited on her Facebook. One day while listening to Retah McPherson on “Spiritual husbands and wives”, the secret of how this could happen is suddenly revealed into her Spirit. The Reader is warned to constantly cover their Facebook with the Blood of Jesus and the Blazing Fire of the Holy Spirit before activating it because the enemy, though in the physical, can spy on and attack one in the realm of the Spirit!! Read More...

Spiritual Warfare & The Purple Robe - Book 15

Spiritual Warfare & The Purple Robe - Book 15 Download


In April 2016, Yolin is taken to a particular section of Hell where she is catapulted into such an agonizing and horrifying experience that she becomes blind, dumb and paralyzed. She is carried to a certain place where the Lord completely heals and restores her. Why had the Lord allowed her to experience this terrible, terrible torment? In an open Spirit vision, an image of Anton LaVey, founder of the church of satan, looms before her, and her Spirit understands. Read More...

Spiritual Warfare & The Purple Robe - Book 16

Spiritual Warfare & The Purple Robe - Book 16 Download


During the wee hours one morning, an enormous flat screen suddenly appears in Yolin’s bedroom. With eyes bulging out of their sockets, she sees a horrifying scene - a continuous, never-ending fountain of the reddest, hottest, boiling liquid lava spewing forth like a waterfall, from an unknown source. Her spirit knows that this fountain is one of the many gateways into hell. She is immediately catapulted into this tumultous scene in the midst of the most deafening, gut-wrenching Read More...

Spiritual Warfare & The Purple Robe - Book 17

Spiritual Warfare & The Purple Robe - Book 17 Download


In the midst of intense warfare, feeling totally exhausted, battle-mutilated and utterly sick to the core, Yolin’s mom finds she is constantly suffering from inexplicable, tormenting, painful earache, nausea and zinging in her head, which she could only describe as if being bombarded by piercing arrows of electromagnetic frequencies. Why was she suddenly suffering these continuous, excruciating, debilitating pains in her head and ears? She realizes that these invisible, electronic attacks had been going on for... Read More...

Spiritual Warfare & The Purple Robe - Book 18

Spiritual Warfare & The Purple Robe - Book 18 Download


In a Spirit Revelation, Yolin is shown that Hameed, her old adversary, had been given an important assignment by the queen of the coast. Not knowing what to expect they are led to go to the Court of Accusation with this Spirit Revelation. The intensity of the Electromagnetic Frequencies (EMF) attacks on Yolin’s mom grow more intense each night, piercing into her ears and head and turning her bedroom into an electromagnetic frequency torture chamber, spun with live spider web like microwaves, different types of electromagnetic frequencies and high energy laser beams. Read More...

Spiritual Warfare & The Purple Robe - Book 19

Spiritual Warfare & The Purple Robe - Book 19 Download


One morning through Spirit revelation, Yolin discovers that she and her mom were about to participate in the most frightful experience. They find themselves walking up a flight of stairs, and notice that demons in the shape of humans were also ascending. Observing closely what was done in secret, Yolin sees that these demons are all headed straight to a certain section. What she sees next is so shocking and frightening that she almost suffers lock-jaw. Who was casting this most frightful, nerve-racking shadow unknown to mankind? Its shadow alone caused every hair on their bodies to cringe in fear. Every nerve in their bodies shook and jangled. The unexpected moment rolled through Spirit revelation – with complete shock, they suddenly knew to whom the dreadful shadow belonged!!! Read More...